Think I'm Gonna need Some Help!!!


Wales, Flintshire
BMW 3 Series
Hi there, Mike here.. New to all this and I'm really interested into getting into engine re-mapping, so I thought who best to ask, and thought of you guys (the experts). Well I know I sound a little bit stupid...but...where do I start??

Tried to get info from the net but keep getting relocated to copanies to re-map for me, and that's not what I wnt, I'd like to have a go yslef - but like I said have no clue where to start..... :?

Please, please help.... :blink:
hey and welcome to the site.

remapping yourself is not something that is really recommended unless you have diagnostic software and a selection of gauges to make sure everything stays within the parameters.

in short the companies that do the mapping spend quite a bit of time and money developing it on a rolling road and on the road.
by the time you have bought the gauges and software youd have been cheaper getting a reputable mapper to do it for you.

yes its a good idea to want to do it yourself but at the risk of wreaking your engine id say leave it to the experts in this case
Thanks for that, but it's not something that I want to do as a one off, it's something that I'd like to invest my time (and money) into learning... problem is not sure how?
if your willing to invest the time it might be worth talking to some of the bigger companies about becoming a dealer for them.
you might not get so in depth custom mapping but you should learn some of the basics
The quickest route will probably be to become a franchise of a company like Celtic Tuning or Mobile ECU remapping. They will give the initial training, equipment and maps and this will free you up to experiement yourself. To do it properly you need a rolling road if you are creating custom maps as well as all the diagnostic gear.

There is also an open ECU project online where people are writing their own maps and getting into ECU mapping themselves.

Also hello and welcome to TorqueCars, nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy the forums as much as we all do.

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