The best subs

i already purchased the new alpine v 1000 amp. very clear sounds and i also have the 1023 a 923 and 2 723s. i dont have a budget in mind i just want the best sound i can get without being 2 outrageous. ive had a new pioneer with ipod connection they are good but have too many functions for the sounds.and the volume menu button goes funny i prefer alpines older units and sony. what do you power your audiobahns with?
Mine are powered by a Juice JA1200 Class D amp. It's 1200 Watt unit but it's wired up in 2ohm stable mode so it is actually producing 2400 watts RMS. The speakers are only 600 watts RMS. :lol:
I set it up that way to be more efficient as i'm not driving the amp as much as if it was in 4ohm stable mode which is 1200 watts RMS.
So how would i go about getting deeper low bass?

I think you'll get a better result with a single 12" bass driver for the low end. It's important to remove low end signals (say under 100Hz) from the other drive units in your car. If you send all the signal to every speaker you will get phasing problems. It's where certain frequencies are reinforced and others damped.
would i be better with 2 amps on 2 subs? im gonna be using a separate amp for al my components. thanks for your help so far hdi and tn69
would i be better with 2 amps on 2 subs? im gonna be using a separate amp for al my components. thanks for your help so far hdi and tn69

You can have one amp for both subs. Just make sure they are dual voice coil and you'll be able to wire them in series or parralel whichever you fancy.
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