


Hey, new to this forum thought i'd post something to get it out of the way. Right now im just cruisin in my 88 buick electra limited, but hey don't hate it's the smoothest most comfortable ride in the world. My mom's about to pick a new DUB camarro SS, my dad's gettin an 07 chevy but he's not sure what yet and my parents just bought my sister a VW Passat turbo. Which basically just leaves me the shaft cuz my sister is the spoiled child. But i'm in the process of buying this 03 Accord and have plans to put it through the works. I prefer classic muscle but hey, I gotta deal with the options i got right? Anyway hopin to turn it in to a legit ride given some time. I'm a life guard so i make good money outside of school. Just never really done much tuning before so I'm looking to learn everything I can. I love to learn like I love cars ya know?
Hello there and a warm welcome to TorqueCars, nice to meet you.

An engine swap would be a good bet. See if you can get a Type R engine to drop in as these are pretty solid performers.

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