Seeing your old car


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
How many of us have had the experience of seeing our old car being driven by it's new owner.

It's a bit of a strange feeling and I almost want to wave. How does it make you feel and does it happen often?
1st car was wreaked couple of weeks after selling it so didnt see that one
civic sold up in edinburgh and i think it was proberly scrapped or auctioned off up there
prelude i scrapped

so ive never seen my old cars
I've seen a couple, until recently I used to still see my old Carlton 2.2CDi of a 1984 vintage ;) that was sold back around 1994 and still the same old fella driving it. That was a good car, self levelling suspension.

The last car I saw was my old Mini 25.
Saw two of my old cars at various car shows (they both looked awful and not in the tiptop condition they were sold in!) I was angry and sad! lol

Saw my XR2 the other day and felt pangs of missing it

I agree with turbo,Sold my astra gte then saw it a few week later slammed big ugly alloys,blacked out nice when it was standard form.:(
I saw my old car. It was written off. Someone local bought it and restored it back to it's original glory :) I left a note on the windscreen as I still had all the service history. Was nice to chat to him and find out about it.

It was an individual so it was nice to see it back on the road again
sorry, been busy, ill etc. no excuse I know.
Abs is pregnant again which is great but she's been really ill with it so it's been a bit of a stressful time. Hope you guys are ok
We had a Suzuki SJ jeep once (yes, I know but my wife liked it!) which had previously been owned by Wimpey on some Heathrow site project, hence it was 'safety yellow' on the outside over a silver official paint-job. Anyway, I added a few distinctive black slanting stripes to it making it look more like a 4-wheeled zebra, and then my wife saw the light and sold it.

After that it seemed to have only been owned for about a month a a time - firstly, my neighbour's son had it, then it disappeared. Then I saw someone else driving it around our native west London, and then, more bizarrely, whilst driving through Elvedon (A11) on our way to Norwich, we saw it again in a cafe car park on gravel - probably the only 'off roading ' it ever did!. At this point, it must have been 110 miles from our house so spotting it was quite a find. There was no mistaking it, but I was going too fast to bother stopping. I keep scanning the hard shoulders for my last car, a C4 diesel that I'd put petrol in once before p/ex'ing to a dealer.:rolleyes:
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