saturn parts?

I think it shares some parts from GM and the Pontiac but not many. Which series is it and which engine do you have?
i would like to find harder rods and lower compression pistons that will fit it as i would like to boost 10 psi iv done alot of homework/money and i have alot of time in this car
Do you have any local engine builders or machine shops around? Pistons are usually quite easy to get as long as they are a usual size. Forged/strengthened parts are a little harder to come by but they are still out there.

I'm based in the UK so I can't really give any tips on Pittsburgh suppliers but were bound to have some on here from the US.
ok so iv done more home work on the pistons and i cant seem to find any for that size in a gm block if had them custom ordered do you think my stock rods would handle the stress? or would i have to make them too?

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