I am apologising in advance.......


Wrench Pro
Hertfordshire England
Legnum VR4 2.5 TT
if you are travelling on the A1, M25 or the M40 tonight or anywhere in the vacinity of Oxford and you get stuck behind a yellow/beige horsebox with 3 girls and 4 dogs in it, then i'm sorry but it's me. Don't get cross just beep and wave.....and smile ;).......then reverse those directions on Sunday evening when i'm coming home :toung:
I'm not down that way this week so you can go as slow as you like for me! :bigsmile:
What are you doing with the horses this weekend then? Have a good one I hope the weather's not too bad for you. :bigsmile:
Ok, we are back and survived and all look and smell a little fresher than we did when we got home last night at about 10pm :) It was Blenheim International Horse Trials so we took the lorry, all jumped in and used it as we would a car and at night parked up in a lovely pub car park and slept in the lorry. That's great but we had no access to a shower or a toilet in the mornings so i'm afraid we tramped it up and had to pee in a field when we took the dogs for a morning walk. Ummm lovely...see people have such the wrong idea about us horsey girls :)
Traffic fine on the way there on the friday but busy last night. Where are people going on the motorway on a sunday at that time of night? You should be tucked up with a cup of coco somewhere although I have to say there were some niiiiiice motors about especially the Aston driven by a rather lush young man but the girls decided his blond girlfriend in the passenger seat was a binter so no jealousy there then lol.
Oh Loz - where abouts in Wolves are you? I am originally a yam yam but can now safely say I am a posh bird :)
Pre warning you though the same 3 girls are heading your way this weekend in the same lorry lol. Moving a friends horse from Surry back to Wolves for her.
I live in Castlecroft not far from the Mermaid on the Bridgnorth road if you know it. I'm only a plastic Yam Yam though as I've only lived in Wolvo since '89, I'm originally from Amersham, most of my family are from Kent & London.

Hasn't stopped me learning the lingo though much to my Mum & Dad's dismay, I like to lay it on thick just to wind them up!

Leggynum: "Where are people going on the motorway on a sunday at that time of night?"

Starter for ten: Returning home from an equestrian event, perhaps? That's my first guess :-)

None of us should moan about traffic when we're on the same road and are contributing to it ourselves.

Seriously though, I'd imagine it's the poor sods who have to work 250 miles from home and simply sleep in digs Monday through Thursday.
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I live in Castlecroft not far from the Mermaid on the Bridgnorth road if you know it. I'm only a plastic Yam Yam though as I've only lived in Wolvo since '89, I'm originally from Amersham, most of my family are from Kent & London.

Well I didn't move to Hertfordshire until '97 so that makes you more of a yam yam than it does me a posh bird :toung: and many an evening has been spent in the Mermaid ;)
Sunday night you get a lot of consultants/contractors going to where they'll be working for the week.

Caravans/tractors/horse boxes/old people should be banned from the roads apart from between the hours of 2am to 5am. :toung:

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