Hi! =] [1.5D Pug 106]


Hey there, i'm Lee, from Llangedwyn in Wales, aaand i own a Pug 106. It's a 1.5D but i'm gonna put a 1.9D (maybe even TD) into it. (Any thoughts on this, see my topic in the Peugeot section)

Aaaaand my girlfriend drives a 1.9D 206 (i'm gonna get her to join) =]

Yeah, thats me

Oh, add me to msn if you want - milogoestocollege@hotmail.co.uk

Hi Slickshoes - thanks for introducing a friend!

Can I be really ignorant and ask - What is the "=]" ? (I guess it is a smiley but there might be a story behind it or some really significant meaning that I am missing :oops: !)
hehe yehh its like a smiley = are eyes and ] is the mouth.

its just easier than : )

its like.. you put your finger on = and then just rollllll it down

hahaha im so lazy =]
Ahhhh a smiley for lazy people. Now I understand :lol: (Clicking the faces on the left when you do a new message has to be even easier though! :lol: )
Never heard of that one (doesn't come up on a web search either) but Peugeot dealers tend to do short runs of their own limited edition models to clear old stock! It could be one of those!
Yeah, i understand

it's just in the back of my car there's two sets of lettering with the word "dimension" in chrome italics, and i was wondering where they're from

and also, when i put a 1.9D engine in, and change it loads, im gonna put the same lettering on the back, so it's unique =]

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