Do you treat cars like your women?


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Do you treat cars like you treat women (or men if you are a woman or so inclined!)

If so how do you treat them? Treat them mean, keep them keen or lavish attention on them?
bit of both really ;) (not in the both men and women sense lol - even though my cars a girl in strictly for men ;))

get them all scrubbed up looking their best and then go for a nice dirty ride...... then start all over again lol

(i can see where this thread is gonna end up lol - way way down in the gutter somewhere ;))
personally i dont beleive that any woman would deserve that type of a hammering , but i was married to one who needed a jump start to keep her hart beating .
Yes, I turn her over and warm her up occasionally even if I'm not wanting a ride. Waxing her and watching beads of moisture run off her is quite amusing too. Sadly the days of nipples needing regular lubrication are over, although running my hands over her bumpers is fair compensation. There's got to be a joke in here about 'leathering off with a 'shammy'' but I'm bu****d if I can think of it.

Don't forget a visual check of her boots, otherwise they might go down on you just when you least expect it.
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I treat women badly, so no i dont treat my car like a women :P
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Do you treat cars like your women?

I have one of each. Both are needy and whiney and end up costing me a lot. My my girlfriend is crap on the 1/4 mile... so I'd say my car gets the better deal :P
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