Diahatsu Sirion


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
im in australia and cant find any information or layouts of the engine to help with modifying my 2000 daihatsu sirion m100rs... if anyone has any information or parts dealers details etc etc would be greatly appreciated
I'm in the same boat here in the UK withmy 2002 Rally4.

It would seem there is little going on with these little know cars.
What engine does yours have - I've worked out that the 1.3 is the same as the Yaris. An engine swap with a supercharge Yaris 1.5 should be feasable!! (But probably expensive and I don't know how strong the rally4 drive train is!)
Toyota parts department has been good @ finding me genuine daihatsu parts...so far nothing they can't get! Yay :) Performance wise daihard.org is a good site.....hope that helps....sorry haven't found much myself.
I found Toyota very helpful too. How is the car going for you so far?
i have sirion 2008 1.3 sky blue color i wanat some iedeas about tuning it because this colure is hard to find modfication on it
i want write some words on its body or draw tow lines from the front to the back crosed the roof
whitch color will be good with my car color and if anyone can get some pics for sirion modification with thiscolor
i have sirion 2008 1.3 sky blue color i wanat some iedeas about tuning it because this colure is hard to find modfication on it
i want write some words on its body or draw tow lines from the front to the back crosed the roof
whitch color will be good with my car color and if anyone can get some pics for sirion modification with thiscolor

if you put some pics of your car on here, im sure someone will have a go at some designs for stickers.

what words were you thinking about putting on?
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i have posted pic for ya as link was taking ages to work (well for me anyway)

car good good, whats your idea then?

colours all depend on what your idea is :)
thanks waynnne
2fast2catch i want a simple modifcation so i don't wnt change any part of the body
except the rims so the solution in stikers
so first whitch the suitable second color for my color
lback or white
thanks waynnne
2fast2catch i want a simple modifcation so i don't wnt change any part of the body
except the rims so the solution in stikers
so first whitch the suitable second color for my color
lback or white

you could do black stickers so they stand out or a mix of black and silver depending on the design, white wouldnt stand out as much against the car colour.

are you thinking about a pattern design or just words?

where are you getting the stickers made?
i'm also think that balck is more suitable than white
but i don't have a pattern design pics so if u can show me some suitable designs
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