brand new shiny member


New member
aberdeen scotland
red ford ka 1297cc
thought this site looked pretty awsome to start with my first ever car:p now lets see... i have a 2004 plated red ford ka 1297cc...yes i know not very good but i like it. just replaced the catilic converter cus the last one disintegrated... that improved the perfomance dramiticaly :) ive painted the side lights red with some stuff called day glow it looks freakin sweet and kinda evil. ive got and old pair of tights over the air intake acting as an air filter hehe. anyways back to my point of joining this site :p i wish to learn about engine ups and mods as i am very new to this game. i have friends who are willing to help me change anything that is needed to improve the engine so i dont really need to worry about labour charges and stuff like that. i just want to keep the engine it has and mod that as far as it goes basicly :S hehe
Hi and welcome to TC,

Get to 10 posts and get some pics up looking forward to seeing some pics of these sidelights :)
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hahha was more thinking body colored bumpers and what not im more into stealth if you know what i mean:p i dont want i massive body kits as my neighborhood is crawling with sleeping police men hehe

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