bang, crash and wallop!


Road Burner
leicester, england
none at the moment
mate turned my future project car over the other day to start it, all running well, doing a general clean up then a hiss, followed by a click, followed then by a bang and rattle and then boom! engine parts all over the floor and engine bay! so that's the mera project gone bye bye lol bit gutted like lol found massive patches of rust in the rear arches and suspension mounts, extremely rusty underneath the car. so basically i would of bought a death trap also turns out the MOT was fake and same with road tax! looks like gotta look for something else, probably too big for a 1st car anyway. lol
I really feel your pain. This is such a disappointment. Can you sell what's left for spares?
Glad you can laugh about it :blink: I might have been on the rampage by now if it was me :embarrest:
that car was probably worse than driving around in a cut and shut, even the interior mounts were trash! we'd not had a proper look at it until yesterday as he brought it back on his truck lol
well the complete engine bay is shot as parts flew through just about every piece of equipment. lol he's gonna make some seats for his garage from the mera seats and putting a base on them lol he's sold the windows already lol but that's about all that was good in the car
Sounds like you had a narrow escape mate,you may have bought it goes to show what is lerking out there,good luck on your next one!
Mate I have my other car repaired now so you can have my Primera, I won't blag you about it at all, Pm me for the info, Cheers and good luck
can't PM as i'm on my phone lol but the state that mera was in was terrible, my mate even apologied to me because when i passed my test he was going to sell it to me lol

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