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    • Restoman
      Restoman replied to the thread 1949 MG TC Resto- mod..
      MG guru Steve Baker and his son Luke came over to my place as promised. It didn't take too long for Steve to determine the problem and...
    • Restoman
      Restoman replied to the thread 1949 MG TC Resto- mod..
      I tried starting the rebuilt engine for the first time in 5 years. Amazingly, it started right up.! Unfortunately, the timing must be...
    • Restoman
      Restoman replied to the thread outta water here.
      Hello silkiesmooth. I note you have an Audi. Does yours have variable valve timing? I know a guy local to me who has had his engine...
    • Restoman
      So true, I've never known anyone on their hospital bed to say "I wish I'd spent more time working!" Work life balance is all that matters.
    • Restoman
      Restoman replied to the thread outta water here.
      I may be too late to respond but first let me say g'day Aly. What you have is already a Wolf in sheep's clothing and that's before you...
    • Restoman
      Restoman replied to the thread 1949 MG TC Resto- mod..
      It's the small things that take the time. I managed to loose one of the bonnet side buffers so had to make a new one. A simple enough...
    • Restoman
      Restoman replied to the thread 1949 MG TC Resto- mod..
      One of my first mods with this car was the ignition system. Out with the old contact breaker points and condenser and in with a brand...
    • Restoman
      I think if I were to have my time again, I would make sure I took more time out. Holidays are far more of a luxury than most people...
    • Restoman
      Restoman replied to the thread 1949 MG TC Resto- mod..
      All that work wasted. I suppose if I do get it working again, I will have it as a spare.
    • Restoman
      Restoman replied to the thread 1949 MG TC Resto- mod..
      One thing that hasn't gone to plan is the SU petrol pump. I bought a kit and rebuilt it with new points and diaphragm. I even...
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