Your choice for a new Top Gear presenter

I'm quite hopeful, he's funny and a genuine car enthusiast. There will be some diehards though who can't see past Clarkson.

Plus it will be ALL new, not just replacing Clarkson.

Clarkson, May and Hammond were funny, but a lot of us were saying before all this that the scripted comedy was starting to get tired. Even if those 3 have a rival show is there not room for both?

Some bloke was on the radio comparing this to when Des Lynam left MOTD, and everyone thought that was it, it would be a disaster. But then Lineker stepped in and made it a success.
But I remember him stating, not many weeks ago, that he wasn't interested in doing the job :-)
It not as though he needs another £3m but you have to fill your day doing something :-)
Perfect choice IMO, he's a great guy and a real car nut. It should be quite entertaining with him on board.
So when does this all start then? The new Top Gear on aunty beeb and the Amazon version with Jezza and crew?
I'd say it just goes to show that it wasn't Clarkson, May or Hammond that caused trouble on the previous TG.
Seems to me like the producers like to be in the lime light alot. Even if it is for the wrong reasons.
You know Andy, I had wondered about this a long time ago. It's as if they want to keep TG in the spotlight by constantly flirting with controversy; I think they are starting to believe the PR hype: "There is no such thing as bad publicity".

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