Why did you pick your Nom De Plume ?

For me 'T9 man' is because of the name of my first full venture into high performance SAAB packages.
It was called the 'T9' from Hirsch who developed a series of performance upgrades for the SAAB which gained factory approval.
I should start off by declaring that the wifelet and I are both gamers; roleplay games, board games, card games, video games, miniature wargames etc...

Lunch Money is a card game.

When the wifelet was at uni they (her War and Roleplay Games Society) ran a charity live action roleplay event. I went along and introduced a lot of people to this card game. So much so that the local games/comic shop had a sudden rush on people buying the game.
When I next went to visit a lot of people could not remember my name but did remember Lunchmoney so started calling me that. I chose it as my online pseudonym and now use it everywhere. Occasionally I will append 1979 to the end but I pretty sure if you see this user name on any site associated with gaming or cars (plus a few other places) it will be me.

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