Whiplash backlash


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
If this legislation takes off then we might just start to see lower car insurance premiums.


It seems that although there are fewer accidents there are more whiplash claims than ever before. This legislation is set to add a burden of proof to the claimant and sets a higher threshold for whiplash injuries before they get paid out.
this is hardly breaking news.... i could have told you that. But at least they are aware of these scams and do something about it. and why should a whiplash be on your car insurance anyway? car insurance should insure either the car you hit and your car (if you chose)..... whiplash is a a claim on health, let your health insurance deal with that

GPs should be trained in lie detecting.... its about asking the right questions.
On the flipside you come across the 'ambulance chasers' and they refer you to a specialist and they can ascertain the type and level of injury even 6 months after the event. Somehow I don't see this but what do I know, I'm no doctor! What needs to be controlled is this chasing down business when someone gets a sniff of an accident and tries to make a few bucks! At least they are clamping down on selling these details on now. Not easy saying no to obtaining a payout when you least expect it.
I had this a few months ago.
Was on about the bump I had in the Focus.
I lost the insurance battle and I was deemed at fault. The bloke said I could still claim. I told him this is why insurance is so expensive and he replied with telling me that this money is already waiting for me so wouldn't affect anyone's premium. I told him to go shove it up his........... and hung up.

On the flipside you come across the 'ambulance chasers' and they refer you to a specialist and they can ascertain the type and level of injury even 6 months after the event. Somehow I don't see this but what do I know, I'm no doctor! What needs to be controlled is this chasing down business when someone gets a sniff of an accident and tries to make a few bucks! At least they are clamping down on selling these details on now. Not easy saying no to obtaining a payout when you least expect it.
this was on Jeremy Vine today. if all whiplash claims were to be thrown out it would save everyone around £90 a year on their insurance.

there were a few calling in to say they were basically forced to claim for whiplash. 1 had a crash where the estimated speed was 1mph, the 3 in the car he hit all claimed and won £2k each
Its an easy scam to pull of cos sometimes theres no signs of injury,so doctors cant really prove it one way or another,i do agree it should be a health issue and not motoring!!.

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