Weight reduction and lightening a car to increase performance.


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Maximise your performance gains with strict weight reduction. "Weight reduction. Putting your car on a diet.." Lighter cars are quicker and the handling is much better. Obviously taking out the seats, carpets, radio, seat belts, headlining and air conditioning will turn the family car into a rather impractical daily hack. But throwing in a few […]

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I fully understand the need to do this for the obvious performance gains. Unfortunately at my time of life I crave the finer creature comforts that my chariot has to offer, so weight reduction for the loss of comfort and the gain of extra performance - never happening! :D

I'll just fit a bigger turbo |B
Why not just wear an outdoor coat over your indoor coat? That will be nice and cozy and you can throw out the heaters and get some ultra thin and hard carbon fibre seats.

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