Things gone quiet?


Track Warrior
Dover, Kent
1.8 TDCI Ford S-Max
Hey guys

Since my return to the forum I have noticed an alarming dip in activity on here guys.

What's happened I miss the numerous threads being constantly updated!! :cry:
This alarming dip in activity, did it coincide with your return PP? :blink:.........:lol:

It may seem that way, but the forum has it's busy times and it's quiet times buddy. In the approach up to Christmas so many people have excess demands on their time, so TC sometimes has to sit on the back burner on a low heat as it were.

Nothing to worry about, this site is unquestionably still the most friendly and informative car forum around ;)

Have you started a project thread on your latest acquisition yet?
Maybe some people are busy with things for xmas.
I tried to get interest in sorting out a meet before the end of this year but nobody seems that interested. Hopefully once this year is out of the way things will pick up again and we can get some events going. Always plenty to talk about when an event is on and plenty of pictures and videos afterwards too :)
Hopefully once this year is out of the way things will pick up again and we can get some events going. Always plenty to talk about when an event is on and plenty of pictures and videos afterwards too :)

This is very true Adam, it seems to be difficult to get people together, but once it happens then it is worth the effort to see the end result ;)
i have had to put my build thread on hold till next year has funds are always low at this time of year but im hoping to get in back up and running again in the new year.
but i still always comment on things that i think i can help with.
Lol T9 na mate I am waiting to MOT it before I get the thread started!

@Adam I am interested in a meet I posted in the thread in fact.
Im still wating for T9 to give me a good date to go on. He said he would buy me a burger from Ace Cafe ;)

So when were we thinking? Do you want to make it before or after Christmas? In the winter or the spring or even the summer? Do I assume that we are looking for a weekend event to make it easier for people to travel? ;)

The Ace has got several events in already over the coming months. It does not bother me when I go; if it's the winter I will put on a jacket and wear my SAAB woolly hat and gloves, if it's the spring/summer then this is more likely to get a response from the masses.

I personally don't care what we do or where we do it, as long as we are all happy about the time and place :)

*And yes Adam, I am still good for that burger! ;)
Im up for going down before xmas if anyone else fancies it? Not sure what day is best so happy to go along with what everyone else wants to do really as I can do pretty much any night.
Alternatively how about a TC meet at your place T9? I have always fancied a winter bbq :)
Feel free to start some new threads, I find that new threads are the lifeblood of a forum. The more the merrier. :D
Feel free to start some new threads, I find that new threads are the lifeblood of a forum. The more the merrier. :D

Ok will start a new one later. TC winter BBQ at T9s house. Not sure if he knows it yet but it's an awesome idea and we can all have a look at his new tv ;)
A real man would buy the tv first and the house later :lol:

But but ....I am a real man! I have a deep voice, a hairy chest and everything! :blink:

I'll just go and check with her indoors if it's alright to cook her dinner tonight and then do the washing up :embarrest:.........:lol::lol::lol:

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