Skin Of Your Teeth


Torque Master
Micra 160sr
i have a hole in the side of my cheek. i have this because when i am nervous or under pressure i tend to nibble the inside of my mouth with my incisors.

the reason i was doing this is as follows: travelling on the M1 going through the stupid 50mph average speed check zone, and i was running on fumes. the petrol light came on whillst i was on the M18 heading toward the M1 and i didnt want to risk coming off andnot being able to find any petrol stations.

i made the decision to soldier on (not exactly the most genius of my plans) to the service station which was a good 20 miles away. i got to the exit road leading into the station when my petrol needle near enough bent around the rest peg, and conked out. luckily due to forces of motion i managed to coast into the forecourt.

have any of you people out their had a close encounter?
Not that close I have to admit. I usually start scanning for friendly forecourts once the trip comp says I'm down to around 100 miles worth of fuel in the tank. I don't however, trust trip computers entirely, they're designed to impress buyers and telling you you're about to run dry is not good for PR.
our courtesy car had that, my mum was well impressed, untill i floored it at then it went from 3 figures to 2.

it was rather close i have to admit, and i even got a rush of air when i opened the fuel cap :shock:

living on the edge...
I once ran out and coasted into the forecourt. Then I couldn't get the car started again and had to call out the AA :oops: (And no I hadn't filled up with the wrong fuel!)

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