Planning a route


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Where do you go if you have a route plan to work out? Do you rely on your sat nav, go to an online service or just pull out the maps and do it yourself?

Do you take into account traffic congestion?
Ill usually go onto google maps and search for a route but then tweak it a bit where neccessary then ill hit the road. If i dont have time to do that ill use sat nav on my phone. Ive never had a good experience with maps. My navigator always sends me the wrong way.
I rely on my Sat Nav quite a lot actually, unfortunately it is a Saab factory DVD system (No postcode entry) and by nature it is out of date even when you have the very latest disc.
My satnav is only a simple Garmin 2445 cheapie but it seems pretty good at the task. Sometimes the routes are a bit 'towney' - at others it contradicts this and uses 12 miles of motorway to avoid four miles of urban driving :-$
The great thing on Google is that you can move your route around. There is usually a shorter route available that is only a minute or two longer, in the real world this sort of difference doesn't matter.
I check out google maps first to see the best route and play with the road links.

Then I use my TomTom or the free app on the iphone as backup. There are times when one or the other doesn't like an address!

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