New mobile friendly version of TorqueCars forum


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
If you browse TorqueCars forum with a recognised mobile device it will display a cut down style. (Unfortunately I can't test this at the moment!)

If it does not work please post your useragent in here and I'll add this to the recognised devices.

Let me know what you think.
Loses the sig but that's no a biggy
Could do with a message saying you are logged in

Edit back on the PC. it doesnt automatically show your new post meaning some may double post
It is very very very cut down, it is so hard doing a version that works across devices as not all have the same capabilities.

Keep posting feature requests and I'll put them on my long term to do list.
Pressing reply comes up with a report post page but the rest Works well on the blackberry storm 2. inputing a message is alot better, loads up faster as well. Thanks waynne!
Have you updated you Blackberry OS recently? (think it's up or something like that) I can log on & do most stuff, it's just clumsy getting around & the pages took a bit to load.

Smileys come up with : - ) next to them like this, :D : - ) only with out the spaces between the characters.

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