I broke down, AA came within 10 minutes


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
My car wouldn't start. It was a simple battery dead issue, i'd ignored the symptoms for weeks, then all of a sudden it just wouldn't start!

I rang the AA and they got to me within 10 minutes! I was jump started an on the way to a local battery retailer within 15 minutes.

That is the shortest wait I've ever had, the longest was about 2.5 hours on a really cold snowy and icy day.

What about your longest and shortest waits for a recovery service?
4 mins when my fuel pump packed up.
It was 6am the AA man lives in the same road as me.
He was just leaving for work when he got the call.
^^ I would never have luck like that :amazed:

I think the fastest time was about 30 minutes and the longest was literally the following day after my initial phone call :sad2:

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