How would you explain anticipation?


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
If you were training up a new driver how would you explain the essential skill of anticipation? What sort of things would you stress as being the most important?

I would say watching out for cars at junctions and being ready to sound your horn if they fail to make eye contact is a lifesaver.

Its also important to watch the flow of traffic ahead and position yourself for your turn as early as possible.
I don't know how I'd explain the principles of anticipation, despite the fact that I'm very good at it. That's the reason I'm not a teacher of any discipline or subject. I simply cannot impart knowledge.
I'd say keep your mind on anything that may potentially cause some sort of driving incident. I guess keep your eyes about, but on the road as well??? explanations could use some work too xD
I think we're trying to differentiate perception from observation.

It's difficult because oberving something, or expecting to observe it and acting accordingly is very different from what the human mind actually perceives to be going on, or indeed is even relevant.

The are different states of conscious awareness to differing spurious stimuli.

Any psychiatrists in the house?
basically, this is how i "think" what is mean.

basically you see some one at the next turning, looking about, prepare to break as they pull out on you,

or as i had a couple of days ago, break hard as a bl**dy E320 merc desides to overtake someone on a slightly slim road and just as i am going round a blind corner, abs works pretty good :p

just prepare for what MIGHT happern not just what IS happerning.

and dont ever forget that just because someone has been driving for a while, that they drive right, or even drive safley

do i have it right??
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I read a book on advanced driving which advocated creating scenarios and planning an escape route. As you drive along you think "if that car crossed the central reservation and came towards me where could I safely swerve to?" The idea is to have made the swerve or evade decision in advance and you get a chance to see if it is safe. This becomes second nature after a while and it a good habit to get into.

You've got the general idea steve09. Anticipation I would say requires you to calculate risk based on what is ahead and prepare or act in response to it. For example if the cars ahead are braking then ease off the throttle, it is plain daft to carry on at your set speed and brake hard nearer the slow up.

Sometimes you can see pedestrians feet below a parked lorry, as you get nearer you will not see them at all. So you need to keep your eyes moving and take in these early warnings as and when you get an opportunity.

Also use reflections in windows and on approaching cars to detect braking round a bend. Some of my friends think I am psychic but I am just good at anticipation and seeing things from afar off.

Once on a country road I got a glimpse of an oncoming car through a hedge. It was a sharp bend approaching with only a single track road. I stopped and waited about 3 seconds then the car came into view. My passengers asked how I knew and I just told them I was using the "force"! :lol:
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