How to rid the world of Multiplas


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
How can we rid the world of ugly cars like the Fiat Multiplas?

I got this thread idea from Herb who is being stalked by Multiplas and is seeing them everywhere?
Dear humble folk of Torque,
For a modest price I can rid you of all your woes. I will roam this good land with my magical troupe of dancing ManillaTagicVrees, the Multiplas that cause you so much pain will be compelled to follow me, enchanted by my frolicking sickly sweet smelling troupe, from Landeth End to Johns Groats. Where upon I shall cast the scourge unto the sea.
The price for the great deed? All I ask for is the is the gold earned from your powerful discs of tax.

Love & hugs,

Rumpled Pigskin.

I think THIS or

May just rid the world of all the Fiat Multiplas in existence!!

No need to be so extreme.

PIATs or Molotovs will be more than adequate to deal with them.

For extreme cases, a Centurion with 20pdr.
Here's a an idea, howza 'bout introducing some sort incentive for Multipla owners to part with their beasts? Maybe offering a large lump of cash towards a more conventional means of transporting the tribe around? We could call it the 'Getridofyouroldmotorinfavourofashinynewoneage initiative'
I think it could catch on. :amuse:
Sounds like the car scrappage scheme! Waynne hits on an idea.

Dear Multipla owner,

Your car qualifies for the Government scrappage scheme, not on account of its age but its looks.

You will actually get £3000 if you scrap it. Please present your cubed and crushed multipla to your nearest post office to get a cheque.

--That should do the trick.
walk up to them with a sledge hammer and commence bashing it until it no longer takes the form of a car

But they weren't that shape (i.e. "the shape of a car" for Rob's benefit) in the first place! If only there was an 'Aesthetics' branch of the Traffic Police, with a terms of reference to stop and question all drivers in charge of an offensive car.
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But they weren't that shape in the first place! If only there was an 'Aesthetics' branch of the Traffic Police, with a terms of reference to stop and question all drivers in charge of an offensive car.

Yeah - you've missed the point. The multipla looks like a car that has already been beaten with a hammer.
thanks for this waynne!!! the more multiplas gone of the uk roads the better imo (and less to stalk me too :amuse:)

Re-introduce the Montego and rid the uk of the multiplas?
hdi if your interested in politics and running the country you could use this as your slogan it would get my vote :lol:
thanks for this waynne!!! the more multiplas gone of the uk roads the better imo (and less to stalk me too :amuse:)

hdi if your interested in politics and running the country you could use this as your slogan it would get my vote :lol:

If I were Prime Minister I'd make it abundantly clear to all that I was the Primer Minister FOR the people of Great Britain, NOT the Prime Minister OF them.
If I were Prime Minister I'd make it abundantly clear to all that I was the Primer Minister FOR the people of Great Britain, NOT the Prime Minister OF them.

mate you already sound like an mp so this just might work :amuse:
I'm not sure that a manifesto to rid the UK's highways of Multiplas is going to win many votes, to be honest.

Perhaps supply all Multipla owners with rear window stickers (and I've seen one of these for real) that reads thus, "You Should See What The Front Looks Like!"

But then, what an incentive to get the government's scrappage scheme running smoothly.

How's this? - "£2000 for anything over ten years old. £3500 if it's a Fiat Multipla!"

Incidentally, has anyone driven one? I haven't done so but the interior packaging is impressive by any standards. Possibly essentially so, thus dissuading owners from spending too much time look at the exterior.
Incidentally, has anyone driven one?

...and after all that's been said, you seriously expect someone to admit to that?

Have to say that when I inside one, I quite liked the interior space, and the almost vertical sides must give a lot of headroom to even the tallest drivers without feeling like the roof is caving in on you.

TBH, I'm not a fan of any MPVs, but making an plug-ugly one really takes the biscuit.
It sounds like everyone sitting round in a Multiplas owners anonymous meeting and no one wants to stand up and make the first step to recovery.
It sounds like everyone sitting round in a Multiplas owners anonymous meeting and no one wants to stand up and make the first step to recovery.

What we need is an agony uncle.

"Dear Waynne,

I have a friend who thinks he might be a Multipla owner......."
:lol: I'm up for that....

I'm glad you er I mean your friend is proactively seeking help. Bin the courderoy trousers and brown knitted jumper with the elbow patches. The mullet is not a good style either. Now we have transformed your, er I mean you friends look we can move on the car.

Fill the tank with nitroglicerine and drive it into a brick wall! This should help you, er I mean you friend with his problem and will free up another parking space!

Uncle Waynne

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