Esso supreme fuel


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Do we have any fans of Esso Supreme fuel? Is it better than other high performance fuels?

Do you get more performance and better economy as advertised?

What do you think of Esso fuels?
Sorry Esso, I just don't like your fuel. Performance seems and feels lacklustre when I fill up with you. It was the high octane petrol fuel that I tried, the other brands just seemed better on my car (A4 2.0 TFSI quattro)!

Any one else have this problem or do we have some Esso fans on here?
Well, I really cannot say the last time that I heard the words "Performance" and "Esso" used in the same sentence! :confused:
Speaks volumes about the link between the two I think! ;)
Quite.... it's for that exact reason I can give no opinion as I have never bothered using it. Someone must though, or they wouldn't still Supreme at the pumps!

My guess though is... probably hardly used, so sits in the tanks for ages too, which won't help.

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