Do you park in the same spot


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
I know I do it and I'm sure lots of other people do it.

Do you park your car in the same spot in the carpark or on the road?

Is this because you might forget where you parked your car? Or is there something about the location you like?

I try to park by the trolley park as this means one side of the car will not be dented with opening doors! I actually feel a bit miffed if someone else is in MY SPACE!
try and park it in the same spot at work as its one of the safest places but at home its a case of what space can i fit into
would like to park in same spot but as soon as the car is moved someone jumps in.have then to park at bottom of street(does my head in)
i try and park in the same space. mainly because one side of the road is limited to 30mins no return within a hour and the other side is parking all day but theres only room for 4 cars before the double yellow lines.
used to be room for 5 however the lovely council decided to turn one into a disabled space without even bothering to notify me although i had already been in the flat for over a year when they came up with this idea ( space is right outside flat ) - theres already 2 disabled spaces in the car park 20 yards away and one just round the corner. ohh and even better right outside the council offices is all pukka bricks with room for 4 cars but rather than use their brains they put the space on the main road where, if the driver is disabled, they have to get out into traffic where as if it was infront of the offices then there wouldnt be a problem. but no that space is now for a local map thats around 5 years out of date

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