Car stickers

HDi fun

TC ModFather
Buckinghamshire UK
Passat 2.0 TDi
Not the type that 2fast makes and retails but the humorous ones. My two favourites are these:

'My other car's a Porsche' when applied to the rear window of a Porsche (very arrogant, ie. I've got two of 'em).

On the back of a Fiat Multipla - 'You should see what it looks like from the front!'
I think i mentioned this a year or two back, so slightly off topic but I do remember seeing a 911 Turbo with the plate T13 VOM. Turn that around in your rear view mirror and what do you get?
Move It...
I always like the sticker that Max Power made a campaign about.
Can anyone remember what B.U.G.G.E.R. Stands for? It was all in a bit of fun mind.
What about the "Squash players do it against walls" series from the 80's!

Did anyone have a Chad sticker in their rear window? (Wot no......)
I can't stand the baby/child on board type stickers.

Be watchful of cars with these and expect the brats in the back to receive more attention from the driver than the road ahead is ever likely to have bestowed upon it.
I can't stand the baby/child on board type stickers.

Be watchful of cars with these and expect the brats in the back to receive more attention from the driver than the road ahead is ever likely to have bestowed upon it.

i love it when you see 'baby on board' plastered all over the windows then you see that the little brat isnt strapped in and is bouncing about the back seats...........

should read 'unresponsible parent on board, please pass quickly or i am likely to hit you due to lack of concentration'

honestly dont see the point in these 'baby on board' stickers anyway, see if someone was gonna sit on your bumper forcing you out of the way, with a sheer ignorance and mindless disrespect for the road and its users....what makes you think a sticker in your back window is gonna change their way of driving .........HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO.....its made of plastic not magic...........

ooops rant over lol :)
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That's OK. There's a Mitsubishi Warrior locally with the full pink treatment. It looks utterly ridiculous. It, too, has a babe on board monkier. And it's not misplaced - the driver is, frankly, sensationally pretty. You'd have to, just to be polite.
You'd have to, just to be polite.


Sorry I was looking for a good ROFL pic in Photobucket & found this ^^ I couldn't resist! :D
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You'd see some really good ones, my older brother had a sticker on the no. plate of his motorbike and it said
"Sorry officer the devil made me do it"

Or I've seen on a twin cam
"After 7000 revs no one can hear you scream" lol!!!

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