Are you a car enthusiast


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Would you class yourself as a car enthusiast?

What makes you stand out from the ordinary guy in the street when it comes to cars and your love of them?

Why are you into cars so much? Is there a reason or was there a trigger point in your life?
I am more into driving properly and learning/improving constantly.
I like to keep my car well maintained and clean.
I chose cars that offer reasonable power from stock.
I prefer a car that blends as opposed to standing out.
I will get my Insignia remapped in the new year and would hope to see around 190 bhp
from the 160 standard.
The rest of the car will stay standard.
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I would class myself as an enthusiast as I still compete in club level events and constantly drive on public roads in the way that gave me membership in the IAM many long years ago.
My observations of everyday drivers is that many would fail the test today due to the poor habits that they have fallen into and invariably pass onto their children.
I would say I was an enthusiast, not just with different Saab models but with any interesting car really.
I don't tinker with the car personally unless the job is very small, but still love to read up on the workshop manual. Tend to do a lot of track days and visit a number of car shows. Get me on the right subject about cars and I can talk your ears off :embarrest:
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