Are Vinyl wraps on cars a good option?

I think it really depends on what you're into, not to mention depending on what kind of car you got.
Personally with my lil chevy cavalier i'd go for a pattern, maybe some stripes, i havent put much thought into it because my budget at the moment is focused on other stuff.

Also, personally, i dont see why a lifespan of 5~ years is bad, in my entourage, a lot of people sell their cars and buy newer ones after 5 years, or at least redo the exterior one way or another. Chances are after 5 years you'll be bored of your current layout and wanna change it a bit.
i think carbon wraps are an ace idea if you scratch it you can just have the panel re wraped and it will look spot on.
If they are put on right they shouldn't peel or bubble. In fact the first damage is usually as the surface wears away and this usually starts to appear in high wear areas after 3-5 years.
it will also help rust to move very quicky under the wrap /I have seen this and was socked as though wrap would seal out water but was wrong 1 year and 2008audi TT had to have new not shaw/maybe on new cars
yep and they look pritty real too :)

You're joking?! Carbon wrap just looks fake in comparison. I'd rather get the real thing.

Vinyl wraps are good options for people who change the colour of their cars fairly often and don't mind washing it weekly. Otherwise I wouldn't bother.
My mate does vinyl wrapping & if it's done properly it looks sick. You should never have bubbles or flaps anywhere, that's bad fitment. I've got carbon vinyl on my bonnet, bootlid & gurney flap & it fools people all day long. I did stump up for quality vinyl though & that makes a huge difference. Cheap vinyl poorly fitted by someone who doesn't know what their doing is always gonna look poo but quality goods fitted by a pro looks amazing.
just fond out that a friend does Wrapping on new lambos said it good and can be remove with ezzzz and helps to stop stone chips one the new ones

Wrap a Lambo :blink: That sounds like a bold man! I was always under the impression that the vinyl wraps were a little soft of old and that stone ships were a real problem. I suppose like all things the vinyl has now evolved.
What's the company called timmy and do they have a website?
It doesn't matter how much you spend, if people are getting fooled, then those people are morons IMHO.

There is no substitute for the real thing.

Don't you think "morons" is a but harsh? I just call them leyman. Lol. It's only really car people & people who laminate carbon fibre & fibreglass who can see straight off that it's fake. I do totally agree with ya in that there is no substitute for the real thing but £75 in vinyl is cheaper than £500. I will replace my vinyl jobs with real carbon when I have built up my laminating skills. I'm starting off small & tech by doing my wing mirrors, (not skinning) & gonna work up to a full on bonnet.
Don't you think "morons" is a but harsh? I just call them leyman. Lol. It's only really car people & people who laminate carbon fibre & fibreglass who can see straight off that it's fake. I do totally agree with ya in that there is no substitute for the real thing but £75 in vinyl is cheaper than £500. I will replace my vinyl jobs with real carbon when I have built up my laminating skills. I'm starting off small & tech by doing my wing mirrors, (not skinning) & gonna work up to a full on bonnet.

Morons is my word of choice.

A bit of vinyl done in a subtle way (e.g. select interior bits) can look quite good, but it's thing like bonnets I don't like. This is obviously just my opinion. I can appreciate the skill involved though.

This was my old Honda Civic...


So you can understand why I like the real thing so much, although I wouldn't get a carbon bonnet for my E36.
A bit of vinyl done in a subtle way (e.g. select interior bits) can look quite good, but it's thing like bonnets I don't like.

Phew that was close! I thought I might have made a giant car error :amuse:

I have just two items in the beast which are vinyl wrapped, simply because a full on CF version does not exist. These were wrapped professionally for me by Totally Dynamics based in Enfield Herts. Although since my dealings with the Carbon Weezel chaps, this just might change to a custom version ;)

The gear stick top is vinyl, the lower trim is a genuine Hirsch CF printed leather.

And the glovebox trim.
Phew that was close! I thought I might have made a giant car error :amuse:

I have just two items in the beast which are vinyl wrapped, simply because a full on CF version does not exist. These were wrapped professionally for me by Totally Dynamics based in Enfield Herts. Although since my dealings with the Carbon Weezel chaps, this just might change to a custom version ;)

The gear stick top is vinyl, the lower trim is a genuine Hirsch CF printed leather.

And the glovebox trim.

They look alright, but 'm sure you could get something in real carbon made up. Just think about my rear view mirror.
That's true! While these boys are taking two arms and one leg of me money wise, they might as well have the lot :lol: Will contact the dealers for some suitable units to use as the moulds for the boys. Currently they are making me a full CF brake fluid cap, oil filler cap and expansion bottle cap :cool:
That's true! While these boys are taking two arms and one leg of me money wise, they might as well have the lot :lol: Will contact the dealers for some suitable units to use as the moulds for the boys. Currently they are making me a full CF brake fluid cap, oil filler cap and expansion bottle cap :cool:

That'll look sweet!

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