Are cars too comfortable


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Are the gadgets distracting? Do you think cars are just too comfortable, would you be more alert if you had to sit on a thin carbon fibre seat with no padding?

Would cars be safer if they had less sound insulation and you could hear the engine, road noise and other sounds?
I think I know what you mean, however, I do appreciate the comfort at 7am on my way to work and cruise control works a treat for when I'm half sleep!
You can never have enough comfort in my opinion, and after sitting in a Rolls Royce Phantom last year which was being kitted out with a state of the art multimedia system, all I can say is, wow!! That car is definitely in the super league when it comes to comfort ;)
You can still feel the way a car is behaving without being uncomfortable. Must be an age thing on both our respective parts :lol:

I suppose you can. I guess I like driving without a computer telling me to turn left after every mile, or something controlling my super duper air ride suspension that changes everytime I run a snail over. :lol:

Must be an age thing! ;)


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