When is a car fully run in


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
At what point do you decide that an engine is fully "run in"?

What do you understand "run in" to actually mean. Is there any need for modern car engines to be broken in?
hard question, they used to say you need to do so many miles to run an engine in, but now i have heard lately you dont have to do it, well not many people do run them in properly anyway, but all this modern technology we have you dont need to run them in now, you can use them as normal. thats what ive heard, but i suppose there probably reccommend you some certain mileage if you was to ask the manufacture
You're looking at probably 1,000 - 2,000 miles for the initial running in period, but probably about 20,000 - 25,000 before the engine it at it's peak, at least for a diesel.
Even though modern engines need not be broken in, it is best to treat them gently for the first 2000 miles or so,and change oils after his period.
When an engine conversion is done the new engine needs to be 'broken in'. A VTEC engine hits its best at around 50000-60000 miles. But I've never had a new car so can't really comment on from new.

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