

Suffolk, England
Volvo 440 1.6i
Yo everyone, I'm Ben, just joined. I know this site more targeted at people with performance cars but I was looking for ways I could experiment with my car without destroying it. I'm looking to get hold of a performance car in the future and properly customise it, but at the moment I'm trying to more learn about performance upgrades and customisations, etc. and try a few out on my car, see what happens :D.

Any ideas for low-grade mods, ways I can experiment with engine/general modifications and get a bit of experience?

hey and welcome to the site
the site aint targeted at performance cars owners just all owners in general. i think its more just people who are really into cars prefer the performance out of them.

have a look at the following basic guide

basic things you can do without much experience are panel air filters / induction kits, exhausts, fse power boost valve.
Hi Ben and welcome to TorqueCars. Don't think we are all snobby Ferrari owners;) We all have a passion for driving and modding cars. All makes and models are welcome and we all start somewhere. First off get used to the engine components. Do your own servicing and you will build confidence. I would recommend fitting a panel air filter - a very simple DIY modification.

You might even find some wider wheels from a larger Volvo and this would give you some more grip. Make sure your engine is running at its peak efficiency as older cars and high mileage cars actually can be quite a bit down power wise. Use redex to clean the engine or better still get the Power Boost Spray from ekotek which will decoke the engine. Pgarners list of mods is pretty much on the ball so research each of these topics and start modding the car over time:)
Hi Ben, welcome to TorqueCars! Waynne is right...I'm not sure anyone on here even owns a Ferrari! Hope the project goes well, you should post some pics when you start.
Awesome cheers guys. Yeah I was thinking of doing a service to start off with...I do definitely need to build confidence, the idea of any sort of mod scare the sh*t outta me :sad:. I just got bought a haynes manual for the car so I'm gonna flip through that and try and learn some things. A panel filter sounds a good idea as well since they're relatively cheap I believe, and it'll help me gain experience. A good clean makes sense as well :lol: the cars got 118k on the clock :eek:.

I will definitely go away and look these things up. Cheers :D
Hi guys, sorry just a quick question. As a general rule of thumb, are parts specified for particular models usually transferable between the other types of engine within that model? For example, I'm finding a lot of performance parts specified for the 1.7i and 1.7 turbo and other engine sizes of the 440 range. Would you know if they would be safe/easily compatible with my 1.6i?

It depends a lot on what that part is. For example the exhaust exit on the engines will be in different areas/sizes. However the rest of the exhaust system should fit as the cars body contours are the same. Induction kits are usually fairly easy to fit to different size intakes. You will probably find that brakes are the same between cars although this cannot always be taken for granted.
try and see if you can find online supplier of standard parts have a look and see if 1.7 parts will fit 1.6. if the part numbers match then you can look in more detail

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