Hello and Help me please, Beetle 1303 question


Full member
Beetle 1303super
Hi there

looking forward to learning more about cars and maintaining my beetle through the generous help of other members.

My car history is pretty shocking and includes a Spitfire 1500 and my 1303 Beetle.

If anyone can help with a Beetle question I would be grateful. The RAC have twice failed to be able to resolve and I cannot figure it out at all.

It's a 1973 1303 super, Basically the choke get stuck about a mile into any journey and floods the engine causing it to stall.

Stupid thing is, it will run and run (a bit high revs) on the drive but a few gear changes and a bit of acceleration and it dies on its ar*e.

Help please... if you can

thank you in advance
sadly the rac cant help 70% of cars even if the do have a diagnostic port:sad2:

so carb fed engines are a mystery to 95% of their roadside assistance

when you say the choke is sticking is it an auto or manual choke???
Hi Herb

Thanks for the reply. Bless them they are always so interested in the car though.

As for the choke, honestly I cannot tell but I am guessing it is an auto. I have had it 9 years and never had this issue, so never really looked at it. Apparently they look identical.

I have a photo of it but cannot figure out how to upload as the only option is for a url based

i really dont mean this to sound as sarcastic as its going to!!!
from inside the car, a manual choke you pull it out and adjust as the engine warms up and on a auto you dont it does it automatically.
and if your looking at it carb side an auto choke will have an electrical connection

but my experiences have been water cooled engines air cooled may be totally different??? i dont know sorry:sad2:
Hi Herb

ha ha, sounds perfectly sarcastic to me. Okay so I was talking carb side. there appears to be some wiring that suggests auto but if the RAC man couldn't figure it out I am not going to presume to know more.

few more comments and I will upload the photo,

thanks again for even taking the time to respond


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