Recent content by Karas893

  1. K

    Fun, Quick, Lightweight cars?

    Tommy, dude, your awesome bro. How old are you man? You know your stuff bro, seriously. And yeah, lightweight American cars are anything below 3,000. American's and their rules suck for regulations. Could it be that heavier cars with heavier engines though they look good (some, and very...
  2. K

    Fun, Quick, Lightweight cars?

    Yeah man, totally. Like I said brother, keep me posted on those other cars though bro. Any, i don't care, ANY car you can think of, hit me up with it. I've got a little bit of a goal to have me a car in mind by my birthday (July 11th.) If nothing, might just save up for a 350z to pay in full...
  3. K

    Fun, Quick, Lightweight cars?

    Believe it or not, a 1997 Pontiac Sunfire was my first car, but it was an automatic. I wanted a little something different. I was looking at Eclipse's but I heard the only ones worth a dang were the GSX, and GS-T models' from the 90's. Problem though, like you mentioned, is crank walking...
  4. K

    Fun, Quick, Lightweight cars?

    My friend, Americans got proper shafted due-to the emissions man. Not even a Silvia is allowed here legally. No if you even see a Skyline here in America, chances are, it's close to 100 grand or so. Also, It's specs have probably been nerfed like crazy.
  5. K

    Fun, Quick, Lightweight cars?

    Hiya! I'm someone who loves to test my cars mobility, speed, and precision. Problem is, I really don't know where to start. I'm 21 years old, and I've been jerked around with misleading information for awhile on this subject, I'm hoping maybe one of you could give me a little insight. I...

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