Is it the badge or the car


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
We note prejudice against certain cars, people don't let them out, cut them up or generally act aggressively towards them.

Is it the badge of the car that people identify or is it the whole car itself?

If you stuck say a BMW grill on a Golf would people still treat you like a Golf driver or a BMW driver?

I'd be interested in your thoughts, observations and experiences of car prejudice either on the receiving end or dishing it out.
If you stuck say a BMW grill on a Golf would people still treat you like a Golf driver or a BMW driver?

If they didnt know it was a VW then they would treat you like a bmw owner ..........

But since would they know that the car is a VW they would treat you like a muppett and quite right too.
Even over here, American cars have a reputation for being c**ptastic in general. The reputation was, at one time, justified, but not anymore, but people still hold onto 30 year old prejudices against American cars here. You have no idea how often I'm mocked for driving a Saturn, and no matter how much more reliable than their car my Saturn is, no matter how much faster, better built, better handling, or safer my car is, it's always considered a P.O.S.
That's kinda why I have a Saturn. I wanna prove outdated prejudices wrong. For me, it's motivation. I KNOW what my car is capable of. I could put a huge wing and an obnoxious body kit on it (example: The body kit from the factory used on the Saturn Ion Redline) and it would still be looked down upon. I can't win against their view So I have to go out of my way to embarrass them to change said misconceptions.

But anyways, I definitely think it's the badge. People hate on my car without knowing anything about it. "Oh it's American? Must be crap then"
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It's funny, generally speaking most American cars are respected over here in the UK, probably because they are so rare.
not my point. My point is that these outdated notions are often applied to cars with American badges. Slap a Honda badge on it and people won't stop praising it.

I understand the point but

1 we usually have topics to discuss specific things

2 no one has knocked anything american in this thread

Please feel free to start an "american cars get a bad press" thread - Im sure it will get a good response (thats good as in many)
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It's an interesting question. The car these days that seems to be driven by bolshie drivers is an Audi, but is it actually that more Audi drivers are aggressive or that I notice it more if it's an Audi cos that's what I expect?
It's funny, generally speaking most American cars are respected over here in the UK, probably because they are so rare.
It tends to depend on where you're located in the states. The east and west coasts favor Imports heavily, whereas middle-America adores domestics. I live on the East Coast.

I understand the point but

1 we usually have topics to discuss specific things

2 no one has knocked anything american in this thread

Please feel free to start an "american cars get a bad press" thread - Im sure it will get a good response (thats good as in many)
Don't go assuming things. Some American cars get exceptionally great press, like the Chevrolet Cruze, Camaro, Malibu, Sonic, etc.

I was explaining my position as I have had people say first hand that my car is crap Only because it carries a Saturn Badge, despite having never been in a Saturn or owned one. When pressed for a reason, the answer is usually "It's American."
Oh dear you really must reply to what people say not what you decide they mean , especially if it is wrong

I have not assumed anything at all . You seem to have one huge chip that you carry around . Now it cant be from posts or threads on this site so its best left where you got it from.

Just because people say your car is crap (your words) doesnt mean it is nor has anyone said so especially on this forum.
I think as far as the general public ( none car edjucated/opinions based on what they read or what others say) would judge the vehicle on the badge jumping to there arsenal of cons based on what they have been told. And never even know that they were talking crap about the car they are driving but I believe that the believe portion of everyone who is an actual enthusiasts would laugh about the badge being on the wrong car and be actually more focused on that fact
Greetings PartialBeast and a Warm Welcome to our TorqueCars Forum my Friend!

Good to have you along with us :)
I love Fords I have owned them for 20 years the currant one is a bit of a challenge.
That aside the next car I own could be a Vauxhall or Japanese.
So no the badge means nothing to me its what I fancy and suits me when the time comes to buy another car.
Welcome Partialbeast.
It's not the car it's the tool behind the wheel. I go by what the persons actions are in said car before a judgment is made personally. I used to get a lot of grief on the roads for driving a bright orange car but it also got plenty of good stares and comments so you take the rough with the smooth. But yeah, judge the person, not the car. I wouldn't judge a car standing still by the way, unless it was Barry-tastic.
Barry - Enough said. :lol:

Problem, as I see it, is most people believe all the misconception about certain car makes. Such as 'All Audi drivers are impatient so & so's. Well Waynne owns an Audi, and I for one, assume he is far from a typical brute on the road. I know a few Audi, BMW and Mercedes drivers and all of them are great drivers.

I also hate the typical 'He owns a modified car' - Must be a chav. The amount of times, I've been called a chav by people for doing little bits to my car, is outrageous. It's not overly loud and it doesn't have a shopping list on the side, no stickers on the body and has barely been touched.

People conform to whatever they feel is common, and whatever some on else feels, so they don't get laughed at or feel left out. They're all morons and if they didn't exist, our world will be a better place.
Are these two explanations Aussie proof I wonder? ;)

What would the Aussie equivalent be then?

Bogan = usually a flat cap wearing lazy lout on the dole and lives in a lower class area
Drives a car like he stole it and likes to leave burnout skid marks on the roads to mark his territory a bit like a dog that cocks its leg everywhere.

Houso = generally considered to be unemployed with little or no inclination to get off welfare or practice safe sex and have kids to get welfare bonus and have little respect for the public housing they infest. Have wild noisy parties and don't give a rats about the neighbors.
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