How insurers will react to the gender descrimination ban


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Using my knowledge and experience in the insurance industry I will make the following predictions. I have yet to verify these but it is almost certainly the way to go so ignore the headlines that read "Women to pay more for car insurance" and "Male insurance premiums to come down!".

Insurers are no longer allowed to make gender based decisions on insurance risk so they will have no option other than to rate using other factors more heavily.

Factor 1) Occupation will play a bigger role. Expect nurses, hairdressers, cooks, cleaners and traditionally "women" dominated careers to see discounts and cheaper policy. The winners are any males in these occupations. The losers are Mechanics and Engineers, and other typically male dominated occupations.

Factor 2) The car size and colour will also play a bigger role. Those who choose small engines shopping cars will benefit from lower premiums and I'm sure this will also be extended to offer discounts to pink cars. The winners again will be males driving smaller cars and the losers are families with bigger/more powerful cars.

Factor 3) Driving record will be more important with heavier penalties for previous accidents, claims, losses and convictions.
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