Coloured wheels


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
We seem to be seeing more and more coloured wheels around. Do you think this is here to stay or just another short lived fad?

Which colours do you prefer to see? Does ths depend on your car colour?
different coloured wheels will be around beyond the day i die!! cause it can change the complete look of a car and its cheap and easy enough to do by a complete novice

and black, anthracite, white and silver are colours that will never die!!!!
I had white powder coated rims on my MG, suited the blue well. Now I have gunmetal with inox rims. I think they are here to stay, after all do we remember the chrome and white Weller wheels from many moons ago?
I had white powder coated rims on my MG, suited the blue well. Now I have gunmetal with inox rims. I think they are here to stay, after all do we remember the chrome and white Weller wheels from many moons ago?

Oh, yes, especially the ones widened with a steel band. Boy, we knew how to look cool back then :-)

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