The racing line and high speed cornering techniques.


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
When taking corners the aim is to keep the car balanced throughout the bend and you need the highest exit speed you can manage. We are talking balance between the front and rear of the car as the car will be likely to skid if weight is biased to the front or rear. When on the track all movements, acceleration, braking and steering should all be done steadily and progressively.

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Try to be as smooth as possible and not unsettle the car. There are a couple of ways to treat some corners as late braking combined with trail braking can make the straight a bit longer then getting the car turned and pointed at the apex will let you accelerate out sooner in some corners.
DO NOT feed the wheel Hendon style thru your hands but keep hands @ 9&3 as recommended by the Stig |B
I was told
Brake once steer once accelerate oncce

A bit simplistic but a very good simple guideline for those that need basic help.

Not as daft as it sounds that as it does work once you have learnt a track and the best/correct lines but changes when trying to get past someone or staying ahead of them if in front! If the car is well balanced the amount of effort put in should be comfortable and precise. The braking part soon shows any weak links in your set-up as I found out last year. If that isn't right the other two rules are wasted. I found the limits of the brakes and found the brake once rule was hurting my enjoyment. Can't wait to try the new set-up and see if those rules will work again!
Yes overtaking on corners/bends has to be completely different because rarely cant it be done by staying on the racing line.
Brian I can recall we Jacky Stewart saying something similar to Captain Slow when he was coaching C S to improve his lap times .

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