rover 220 imobilser


rover 220DI
hello all, just purchased a s plate rover 220 diesel injection, and after 3 days my handset has quit unlocking the car and deactivating the imobilser!! can only guess its the imoboliser as the red flashing light isnt on the dash either, yet when i unlock the car manually, and try to start the car, it sets the alarm off! where is the imobilser? the fuse for it? where do i get a new one?
yea every rover i have had the batterys have gone and the red light is the immobiliser my girl had a faulty one and it doesnt come off but if you put the keys in the ignition turn it to on furthest it will go without starting press open that might work but defo change the alarm ill have a look in my haynes for you if that dont work
hahah the haynes didnt even mention the immobilisor! did get it sorted though! it was the CDL fuse in the engine compartment, exept i nebver actually looked directly at that one first as it was printed backwards on the inside cover!!!! no wonder rovers had problems! hahaha,
Anyway thats sorted now, and thanks for the advice, now does anybody know a decent rover parts centre? i need a new rear wiper moter!
google it i get a few parts of the net there is a few out there and the haynes has wiring diagrams and fuse diagrams you would have found it :D
The 220 Immobiliser is hard wired into the ECU. A friend of mine got his remote wet and had to get a new one programmed by Rover.

There is a sequence of turns in the door lock to ativate/deactivate the immobiliser. Are there any ex Rover garages near you? They need to see the log book and get the chassis number and then they can tell you the sequence.
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