placement of the converter?.



I'm getting an exhaust sytem put on my car in just over 2 weeks. and the guy was asking me where abouts i want my cat placed. he told me he was going to put it near the rear of the car as it has better top end performance. and i was just wondering wat happens if i put it near the front or middle and such.

Hello and welcome |B

I think that the placement of the cat may alter the efficiency due to the lower exhaust temperature and may cause a light on the dash to come on indicating a fault.
IMO it should be as near to the engine and heat as possible, if a cat is cold it will not work as well and will probably degrade more quickly as it soots up!

Performance wise I'm struggling to see the benefits of a tail end placement, surely you want the full heat and pressure from the exhaust at the engine end then the exhaust flow can cool through the rest of the exhaust.

It would be helpful to know what engine and if you've done any other mods as they may have a bearing on your question.

I'm getting an exhaust sytem put on my car in just over 2 weeks. and the guy was asking me where abouts i want my cat placed. he told me he was going to put it near the rear of the car as it has better top end performance. and i was just wondering wat happens if i put it near the front or middle and such. .


thanks my issue has been fixed.
Sorry for my slow reply, it's a bit crazy here at the moment with lockdown and families to look after.

How is it running now? What did you go for in the end?
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