PCV filter

jc denton

Track Warrior
check this out: http://92lude.com/crank_case_filter_mod.htm

The article assumes that the crank case vapours travel from the engine into the intake.

I may be wrong but I always thought its the other way around; the tube from the intake to the valve cover allows fresh air into the crank case which is then sucked out through the PCV on the other side of the valve cover...:blink:

Another article on that website suggests removing the front anti-roll bar to 'improve' handling. Surly no matter how great your suspension is the anti-roll bars can only be good for rigitiy?!
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Further more, another article on that website is showing you how to advance your ignition timing but the procedure described is not complete. I don't know about USDM models but rotating the distributor without first shorting out the check connector does not effect ignition timing.

I may be wrong of course but I think this website contains a lot of bad info.
A lot of people remove the PCV pipe, I think it's necessary to remove vapours from the crankcase and the miniscule amount of hot air it introduces doesnt make any difference.
no the excess pressure in the crankcase is forced out and into the intake. hense why its positive crankcase.

removing the front anti roll bar is the same as stiffining the rear anti roll bar, it will help turn in as the front end will be less ridged.
however my view is it is there for a reason.
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