Low air Mass Code on Cold-air intake Mod


New member
USA -Westerly
2001 9-3 Viggen
Greetings fellow saabies.:D I have an '01 93 Viggen with a cold air intake. I started getting Air mass engine codes popping up. :( The brand of equipment is nothing special. Still has the stock intake hose with the cold air filter attached. I replaced it and put the original filter box back in :sad2: but added a high flow k&n performance filter.:blink1: That seemed to get rid of the code problem, but i would like to put the open air back on. (Lets be honest, it sounds frackin' amazing and definitely adds some power.:D) Is there a particular brand/setup that is recommended or is that just a common problem. When I do put it back in I intend to use an entire kit with the support frame for the filter and a new intake hose. Will that help with the problem as well? Any suggestions out there? :???:
Is there a particular brand/setup that is recommended or is that just a common problem.

In a word NO! You are bringing in a volume of air which is outside the parameters of what the ECU is programmed to be comfortable with. You will need to have the ECU remapped by someone who knows what they are doing and can therefore adjust the air parameters accordingly.
The ECU has been remapped. (probably should have mentioned that before.) JZW tune. I understand that you cant just start slapping parts on this engine willy-nilly. This was done before i purchased the vehicle. I know the mechanic who did the work, I still use him. He mentioned that the problem most likely was the air mass sensor getting overworked and then burning out. Wanted to know if there was a way to prevent the sensors from faulting and to get it to stop throwing codes. But it sounds like I'm gonna have to sit down with the tech who did the tune and really take some time and find out how to get around this. I know there a couple of setups that are designed with the T7 engine in mind, wonder if I should pony-up the dough and invest in one of those.....
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