How to Prevent Air Bubbles Showing Up During and After Car Paint?


New member
Hi Guys,

I want to know that how can one prevent air bubbles showing up on the car paint during and after the car paint job?
prepare and paint the car properly with a half decent set up

do you mean air bubbles or specs of dirt. completely different things but same answer
Fish eyes look somewhat like a bubble , caused by surface contamination . They make an additive called fish eye stopper to prevent it . Another problem is moisture ( high humidity ) coming through your air line causing water bubbles . This is harder to prevent but drain your tank often and install a water trap before your air regulator . I leave my water drain on the compressor tank very slightly open when painting so that condensation seeps out of the tank. I also use a filter at my paint gun to remove contaminates also. Hope this helps a little, Mike
Mist the paint on in very thin layers, allow each to dry before applying the next, the finish will be stronger, harder and pretty much bubble free.

With any paint application though you have to flat it off afterwards with an abrasive paper (fine grade) then apply a polish to cut it to a deep shine.
Sand it off with very fine wet and dry and you'll get a perfect mirror finish. I've never known spray paint to be perfect until you flatten it.

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