Engine Carbon Clean. Worth it?

Aerial Andy944

The Torque Meister
Sunny South Somerset UK
VW Golf GT TDi 200
I've always put a bottle of BG244 or Archoil6400 additive in my Golf every year and felt this was sufficient for the miles I do which is about 4k - 5k a year. Is a carbon engine clean that much better and how so? Just curious as going to be giving the old girl a pamper after 14 years and 66k miles on the clock.
Andy I use a measured dose of additive every fill as a preventative measure in both of my cars so I would say yours will need the shock treatment dose.
The BG stuff will keep the worst of the carbon at bay. Use a borascope down a spark plug inlet to see the condition of the engine. Injectors fouling up after many miles are a bigger issue than carbon IMO if you are regularly using a good engine cleaner and good fuel.

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