Does the price of VinFast VF8 and VF9 include batteries or not?

Frankly, I'm really into the electric cars that VinFast has recently launched, but I can't keep my mind off thinking about its price and its battery rental policies.

Like the VF9, which I think people will be most interested in. It's currently priced at $56,000. Yes, it seems affordable compared to a full-size electric SUV with smart assist technologies but when compared to others I have to pause sometimes, duh.

Since the VF9 is only a prototype, the specs are temporary and at this point, we just can compare it to the Cadillac Lyriq currently priced at $60,000 in the US. And while the Cadillac Lyriq price is the finished car, the VF9 doesn't include the battery rental in it. In return, VinFast seems to be committed to free battery replacement for customers when the battery's charging capacity drops below 70%.

VinFast only mentioned abt battery rental but without mentioning appraisal, mortgage, deposit, or any other conditions? the actual battery pack has been included in the car price, meaning that the customer paid (or 90%) for the battery pack they rented, hmm. And when I pay the monthly battery rent, I'm paying them interest?

I'm not much clear, or am I making a mistake somewhere, abt that can someone explain for me? Tks guys


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