Do any of us reach are full potential, i don't think so. Money, is the reason. Being able to "just do and buy what you want" would expose our individual potential. So in the context of motor sport, you will need, mucho dosharoony. There are plenty of categories of motor sport that are relatively cheap, would £100/200 per race be cheap every month or each weekend?.
I could not beat the stig on his track, i have no track experience, except for one day at Oulten Park driving formula ford and BMW, i did ok, achieved decent times. Had i spent a week there i could have improved greatly. With practise on Stig's circuit, i reckon a very close
I think one can learn to become a race driver, after all we never stop learning how to improve our road skills do we?. I think to become an exceptional race driver, is a rare gift for most of us, but, one could still enjoy racing just for the thrill.