Any Alfa Owners out there?

Hi buddy, there are quite a few but they seem quite shy. Post up in here or use the technical forums and I'm sure you'll get some helpful replies and tips.

The more the site grows, the busier the Alfa section will become.
Greetings FTOeire and a Warm Welcome to our TorqueCars Forum my Friend!
Good to have you along with us :)
Remember driving a mates 1800 Guiletta and loved everything except the rubbery gearchange.

Back then it was said that on a quiet night you could hear then rusting away as they were shipped as deck cargo.
^^Ha Ha Ha^^
Similar with the Lancias. Every time I got in it a different dial would stop working but normally it was the speedo that would die. Had to drive at 70mph to get it to spring into life. Italian electrics huh! :-)
sorry mate, most Alfa owners are under the bonnet fixing the damn thing..ha a Fiat atleast there reliable..TTFN
^^Ha Ha Ha^^
Similar with the Lancias. Every time I got in it a different dial would stop working but normally it was the speedo that would die. Had to drive at 70mph to get it to spring into life. Italian electrics huh! :-)

Were the Alfa electrics any better/worse than what was made by "the prince of darkness" Lucas:confused:
I remember Lucas from my old Rover car days - they were to car electrics what Lada was to the high performance car market - total rubbish!!!!!
My old £100 Marina I had when I was 17 never had any problems, still, it didn't have many parts on it to go wrong. Also the 1980 Honda Accord EX and 1983 Honda Prelude EX I had never had a thing go wrong with them. I know where the Accord is today and it still going strong daily. Not bad for a 34 year old car
Greetings chriswizz and a Warm Welcome to our TorqueCars Forum my Friend!

Good to have you along with us :)
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