13cm or 16.5cm speakers for stock speaker replacement?


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Focus 1.6 zetec 5dr
Hello. Im going to be putting a new jvc headunit and 4 new Alpine door speakers in my 03 focus 5dr sometime soon. Problem is, i cant decide wether to go for the 13 or 16.5cm version of the alpine sxe. With only 4x50w pushing them will it make much difference which i use? will the 16.5 have more bass? I know i can get the adaptor plates for both sizes. Im open to ideas on other speakers too, just thought the alpines seemed a good buy for what i want, but im an audio novice really:P

If these are direct replcements then get the ones which fit the existing apertures. The difference in sound will be minimal either way. Are these true 2-way drivers?
It says there Coaxial 2-Way Speakers on the alpine site. And nether are the standard size. Standard is 6x 4.5 or some strange size like that.

That's good, so they are true 2 way units.

What I should have asked is what are the sizes of the existing mounting holes - the 6"x4.5" drivers might still mount in round holes.
Unfortunately the existing mounting holes are oval shaped. Im not sure of the exact size of the stock holes but im pretty sure that the maximum size circular speaker that can be put in is 16.5cm.
In that case I'd suggest rounding them out and fitting the larger units. I haven't used anything but factory fitted audio for years now so I'm very out of practise at the cutting, drilling lark. but if you're happy to do this then you won't have to buy any adapters at all.

The larger speakers will need less driving than the smaller ones, ie. higher SPL (sound pressure level - volume, if you like) for the same input from the amplifier.
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