A tragic warning to us all


Road Burner
"AmericanM5", an 18 year old who has just acquired an M5, signs up to the forum and asks for advice ...


A day later, AmericanM5 (Josh) puts his name down to do a 30-150mph run off on an airstrip in Florida ...


A day later, 5 are killed in a fatal accident on an airstrip on Florida, Josh is one of them ...


This is a very unfortunate series of events, and although horrific to read through the forum pages and news articles, it serves to remind us of our fragile mortality when behind the wheel or in the passenger seat of a car.

Appologys if you have seem this posted around alot on other car forums, I thought it needed to be brought to peoples attention.
Thankyou Freddie, sadly we are not invincible and all forms of motorsport includes an element of danger. Its not till you lose a friend or come close to a serious accident yourself that you start to realise how precious life is. Keep it safe and enjoy your car has to be the motto.
yeah it just shows that having even a basic car or a highly tuned car theres no telling what will happen

thanks for putting this up freddie as bad as it sounds if people take heid of this and it saves a few lifes then its not been in vain

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